The 9 best books that help heal anxiety
I read widely and wonderfully while researching first, we make the beast beautiful, my book about my anxious journey. Actually, I’ve researched the topic for decades now and read many a fretty memoir,...
View ArticleDoes quitting sugar help heal anxiety?
The short answer is yes, without a doubt. The longer one requires me to rant. Let’s start with my experience, then flesh out from there. Me, when I got unwell with Hashimotos seven years ago, I was...
View ArticleA polite note on how to write about mental illness
I’ve got to hand it to the As I wrote my new book first, we make the beast beautiful, there was one line amid the 90,000 words I penned, that I just knew the site would hunt down,...
View ArticleA (boring) list of all the references in “first, we make the beast beautiful”
At the back of first, we make the beast beautiful I promise to include references and links for all the science and studies I draw on in the researching of the book in a neat and tidy post. This is...
View ArticleScience says this diet heals anxiety (and it looks familiar)
A few weeks back I wrote about how quitting sugar helps fight anxiety. Now, a new study shows that another well-known diet can fight depression. The study was conducted by Deakin University here in...
View ArticleAnxiety fix: have a shower
We all need to know this – the anxious bit of the brain is a mono-tasker. It’s a bit like a fusty, gnarly old uncle at the end of the table who causes trouble…until he’s preoccupied by the footy on the...
View ArticleTreatments that have helped my anxiety and where to find them
At the back of my new book, first, we make the beast beautiful, I promised to share on my site a list of treatments that have helped my anxiety and where to find them. This is that list. Please bear in...
View ArticleFive recipes that have helped my anxiety
At the back of my new book, first, we make the beast beautiful, I promised to share on my site a few of my favourite meals and recipes that have helped my anxiety. This is that list. (Most of these...
View ArticleDearest Everyone, I have to back off a bit…
Writing and releasing first, we make the beast beautiful has been the most enriching, real experiences of my life. Not one of. The most. I set out to have a better conversation about anxiety and to...
View ArticleLet’s find an anxiety charity to support
My book first, we make the beast beautiful is selling better than I thought. Which makes me very… relieved. And fulfilled. Off the back of this interest and the wonderful deep conversations it’s...
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